
Showing posts from March, 2012

Events In Advanced Segments in Google Analytics

I’m not sure if I missed the official announcement, but I discovered the ability to add Event based dimensions and metrics to the Advanced Segments features of Google Analytics. The enabing of this feature by the Google product team finally makes using Event Tracking an integral part of your analytics. Event tracking in Google Analytics In the past there was a large problem with Event Tracking, that very few people talked about surprisingly. See here’s the problem, when event tracking was first enabled it was heralded as the solution to fix issues with (eg) pageless websites, flash content - you could ‘enable event tracking without inflating your page view count’. Good stuff? Well, in a way yes - the problem with this solution was that the data was held in it’s own walled garden disconnected from other data. A classic problem was that, let’s say you tracked all of your video with event tracking. Implementation was improved - the multi-dimensional capabilities made it very easy ...